They asked me how I would like to fly,
I said I haven’t thought,
Not even a bit,
They gave me three options,
And I started to think,
Whatever flies has to fall,
Whatever floats has to sink.
They asked me if I’d like to be a kite,
Hell No! Said I, others will cut me,
And when your strings are in hands of others,
How would you call it a flight?
They asked me, if I’d like to fly as a bird,
Politely, I denied.
My pet parrot got eaten by the eagle last night.
Then I was asked, whether I’d be a plane,
I wouldn’t mind I said,
Unless of course I don’t carry any baggage,
Impossible they said, and that idea lied there, dead.
Tired, exhausted they asked,
Tell us what you wish to be?
I said, I want to but fly, like a Tree.
A tree, they were taken aback!
A life changing solution, I just did crack.
I’d be the tree, the one that flies as it goes higher,
The one that flies with the wind,
But does stay still when the wind keeps shut
The one, the higher my head goes,
The deeper my roots,
The Stronger my hands grow,
The tougher my boots
I’d fly high with the breeze,
But be rooted enough,
To grow with ease.
I love it ya! It is realllyy nice!!! :D Really hope u write more often! Ur blog will definitely be on my blogroll! :D
beautiful mangalam, beautiful :)
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